Outstanding product quality and cost efficiency.
As a non-impact printing procedure, inkjet printing can be perfectly integrated into existing manufacturing processes. Its speed, flexibility and print quality meet the most demanding requirements that the industry places on a wide range of different applications and materials – including non-absorbent materials such as metal, plastic or glass in almost any shape and size.
Our digital printing inks with primers and top coats have been put to successful use in industry for many years.
Adhesion is a common quality characteristic that describes the interaction between the ink film and the printing substrate. Typical adhesion tests include:
• Cross-cut test (DIN ISO 2409)
• Scratch test (DIN ISO 1518)
On the one hand, film resistance is an expression of cohesion (‘internal cohesion’) and determines the ink film’s mechanical resistance. On the other, film resistance is also an expression of resistance to chemical or other stresses:
• Abrasion resistance (DIN EN 61010-1)
• Solvent resistance (EN 60464-2)
• Lightfastness (DIN EN ISO 4892-2)
Print quality is defined by the application:
• Color and gamut
• Homogeneity and resolution
• Odor, gloss and feel
• Requirements regarding the printing process
(reliability and productivity)
• Requirements regarding the ingredients
(environmental safety, toxicology or migration potential)